Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 4: 7 fears/phobias.

1) Height. Many don't know this but yeap, I am afraid of height. Despite being so, I love the thrills gotten from those coasters and rides. I get the sense of satisfaction after completing each, as though I have conquered the world. HAHAHA actually being on those dangerous rides isn't the most scary. The most scary would be standing on a high level, doing nothing and looking downwards.

2) Alone in darkness. Is just a thing since young like, I must sleep with the lights on whenever I'm sleeping alone and my mom can only turn them off when I am asleep. Probably due to those paranormal images that would formed up in my minds when I am alone in the dark.

3) Birds. I really hate and am afraid of them. This happens since their droppings landed on my hand one day when I was walking to Chong Pang Market for dinner. I was about 7 or 8 then. I wasn't so afraid of them until another 2 incidents. One, during the bird flu period, a bird flew into my class and got hit by the ceiling fan and landed just behind my seats. Second, a bird tried to fly into my class but failed. Apparently, I was sitting right next to the window and it tried to fly in but failed but the flapping of the wings against the window flaps was just too disturbing. So ever since, I try to avoid all kinds of birds and eventually going upclose to birds becoming a fear in me.

4) Insects/ spiders/lizards. They are just gross, dirty, disturbing and anything but cute. Nothing nice about them at all.

5) Public speaking? I am not sure of this because sometimes I find myself enjoying it but sometimes I am hell bloody nervous to the extent that I get serious headache. Probably not public speaking but audience/s' reactions.

6) Nose bleeding. I get them too frequently that's why I'm scared. I get nose bleeding on an average of once or twice a month now. It used to be 4/5 time in a week when I was in primary school but it got better after I took some antibiotic from the doctor. It stopped for a few years until recently. I am starting to feel scared because the nose bleeding now is harder to stop compared to those I had in my primary school days and on top of that, I sometimes feel the pain in my nose and always feel slightly giddy after the bleed. Think I need a doctor again..........

7) Losing my loved ones. I don't want to imagine hahaha.

On the first of October, my Kobe turns 2 years old(: Surprisingly, he never fails to let me think that he is superrrr cuteeeeey.

with ferry much love,

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