Monday, August 27, 2012

Food Paradise

Hi! If you are hungry right now and have no cravings, you should just scroll down, see and salivate. Just look at the amount of enerygy/calories intake....
'You always eat and eat and eat and eat, gym how many times also cannot lost weight la.'- My boyfriend.
At least I am making some efforts to balance out the calories by increasing my output of energy right(:

The amount of ice cream I eat is incredible, really.

with ferry much love,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello guys, I'm officially on holidays(; Just a short post to keep this space a little more lively. Actually, it kinda sucks a bit that Edric is pretty much not involved in my holidays lol. However we have spent the week fruitfully before his enlistment. We tried many things that were unusual for us, example; ice skating, mac breakfast, no mj for around 10 days. hahaha IKR.
Anyway, I really dont want to waste this holiday. I mean I want to make it meaningful in a way that I want to try things that I have never tried before. So here are some of the things that I wish to accomplish, before the end of holiday. One of the things that I have done in my list is, to either perm or shorten my hair(I permed them!) So let's start with 1 again..

1) Visit a pub/club with some good friends
2) Voluntary work at SPCA
3) Have a workout and skincare regime (Like, exercise thrice a week)
4) Take up yoga classes so as to fufil the upper point
5) Meet up with some friends who I barely see
6) Blog more frequently with pictures
7) Spend more time with family, pet, boyf.
8) Hopefully a trip before school reopens
9) Complete running man (I know I super loser and out dated, Im sorry)
10)Having more rest than ever.

Lets check against these points at the end of holiday. Till then! (Just in case you have missed my face)

with ferry much love,