I know I am very behind time. All of these recent posts are quite overdue as they all happened weeks ago. Nevertheless, happy things are still worth jotting down. Was feeling tired at the beginning of the day, that I actually don't feel excited at all to even dressed myself up. So I left house with lots of barang barang, without any form of make up nor hairdo. We got there early and checked in to the room and then had lunch in MBS. Kay, nothing much. So the slight excitement came when everyone started dolling up and finally all ready to leave for his celebration, at the ballroom. Not really excited though, just looking forward to the night where I can gather with some friends. Okay, spare the boring words.
Into the suite

I was being a bit fickle minded because I couldn't decide if I should let my hair down or tie them up. It's hard to get good hair days where I would want to let down my hair.
While we were waiting outside the ballroom;

Lol at their pose and spot Daryl behind;

Ready for some duck faces?

Okay, that's more or less about the 3 days 2 nights for me. Feeling a little sad while Im typing away because school is bloody hell starting tomorrow. Oh man............ *wanna flip the table*. Thinking back, school days means more rest because I have been so busy with late nights out, mj session, stayovers and gatherings. I am driving my mom crazy so yeah, gonna tone down a bit and hopefully my eyebag and dark circle would tone down too. I can barely be bothered by school stuff honestly so to my last year in Poly, I just wanna scrape it through effortlessly please. Okay, I have run out of things to blog about already because life is gonna be so dead boring when school starts, rountine back. KTHXBAI.
with ferry much love,
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